Web Demo

For the reader

In this book I'll go over a bunch of design problems/decisions while developing the broccoli crate with performance analysis to back it up.

The source code for this book is the repo broccoli on github.


The graphs are made using poloto on github.


All the benches in the graphs were generated on my laptop which is a quad-core dell linux laptop and all the commentary was made against those graphs. However, you can pull down github repo and generate out the benches and this book again to get results specific to your platform. But keep in mind the commentary might not make sense then.

Test Setup

Before we can measure and compare performance of broccoli to other broad-phase strategies, we have to come up with a good way to test it. We often want to see how performance degrades as the size of the problem increases, but we also do not want to influence other variables.

For our tests lets use the same distribution that sunflowers use. This distribution gives us a good consistent packing of aabbs, and also gives us a easy way to grow the size of the problem. It also gives us a lot of variation in how the aabbs intersects. (If all the aabbs were distributed along only one dimension then that would also skew our results. For example, sweep and prune will perform very well if all the aabbs are spaced out along the axis we are sweeping.)

Lets use Vogel's model that takes 2 inputs and produces an sunflower spiral.:

  • n: the number of aabbs
  • grow rate: the rate at which the spiral grow outward from the center.

We increase n to increase the size of the problem. We can increase the grow rate to decrease the number of aabbs intersecting.


While those 2 variables change the distribution of the elements, there is another variable at play.

  • aabb size (the bounding box size of each element)

For all the benching in here, we just fix the size such that every element has the same size aabb. There is still a lot of interesting data analysis to do with elements that are all different sizes, but for now we'll just analyse cases where they are all the same.

Lets define a particular scene / distribution just so that it makes are benching simpler.

Let abspiral(n,grow) be a distribution of aabbs where:

  • n=number of aabbs
  • grow=spiral grow rate
  • aabb radius= 2

The 2 constant is just an arbitrary value. We just want all the elements to have some bounding box size and to influence how many of them are intersecting. This just makes things simpler since for most of the benches, we can show trends by only influencing n and grow, so we might as well pick constants for the other variables and imbue that in the meaning of abspiral() itself.

The below chart shows how influencing the spiral_grow affects the number of bot intersections for abspiral(). This shows that we can influence the spiral grow to see how the performance of the tree degrades. It is not entirely smooth, but it is smooth enough that we can use this function to change the load on the broccoli without having to sample multiple times.

Its also clearly not linear, but all that really matters is that we have a way to increase/decrease the number of collisions easily. We just need something that will allow us to definitively see trends in how the algorithms stack up against each other.

Number of Intersections with abspiral(20_000,grow)GrowNumber of Intersections01e52.0e53.0e54.0e55.0e50.

Throughout this writeup, we use a grow of 1.5 a lot as a "typical" amount of colliding pairs. So for 20,000 aabbs, a grow rate of 1.5 gives you around 3 * 20,000 intersections. This is no where near the worst case of 20,000 * 20,000 aabbs, which is 400000000. But this worst case, doesn't really happen in a lot of use cases.

So a abspiral(n,grow=1.5) produces around 3*n collisions. If you were to simulate a 2d ball-pit, every ball could be touching 6 other balls (Circle Packing). So in that system, there are (6 * n)/2 = 3*n collisions. That said with liquid or soft-body physics, the number can be much higher.

Here are some inputs into our abspiral function and a ballparck of how many intersections occur:

abspiral( 20_000, 2.1 ) ~= 20_000           // SPARSE
abspiral( 20_000, 1.5 ) ~= 3 * 20_000       // DEFAULT
abspiral( 20_000, 0.6 ) ~= 20 * 20_000      // DENSE
abspiral( 20_000, 0.2 ) ~= 180 * 20_000     // MEGA DENSE

The below graph shows that as we increase the number of elements, so does the number of collisions in a nice linear way.

Number of Intersections with abspiral(num,0.1.5)Number of ElementsNumber of Intersections0200040006000050010001500

The broccoli crate's goal is to provide broad-phase queries such as "find all elements that intersect". Its data structure is basically a kdtree with the added feature that elements that belong to a node are sorted along the divider axis so that we can use sweep and prune during the query phase. Lets compare the complexity of finding all intersecting pairs using four different methods: kdtree, sweep and prune, naive, and broccoli.

broccolinaivenosortsweepComplexity of space partitioning algs with abspiral(x,1.5)Number of ElementsNumber of Comparisons01e62.0e63.0e64.0e602000400060008000

As you can see, broccoli is a clear winner in terms of minimizing the number of comparisons. The jumps that you see in the kdtree line are the points at which the trees height grows. It is a complete binary tree so a slight increase in the height causes a doubling of nodes so it is a drastic change. As the number of aabbs increases it is inevitable that sometimes the tree will be too tall or too short. Like kdtree, broccoli is also a complete binary tree so it also have jumps, but they are less pronounced. I think this is because the second strategy of sweep and prune can "absorb" the jumps.

Lets make sure that broccoli is still the winner if the aabbs are more clumped up.

broccolinaivenosortsweepComplexity of space partitioning algs with abspiral(x,0.6)Number of ElementsNumber of Comparisons02e64e66e68e61e702000400060008000

Okay good broccoli is still the winner against its building blocks in terms of comparisons.

So thats great that we've found a strategy that minimizes the comparisons, but that doesn't really mean anything unless the real world performance is also just as fast. Lets look at how it benches against the same set of strategies.

broccbrocc_parnaivenosortnosort_parsweepsweep_parBench of space partitioning algs with abspiral(x,1.5)Number of ElementsTime in Seconds0e00.0050.01002000400060008000

Here we have also plotted the parallel versions that uses the rayon work-stealing crate under the hood. This is benched on my quad-core laptop. It is interesting to note that the real world bench times follow the same trend as the theoretical number of comparisons. Again, we can see that broccoli wins. Parallel broccoli beats parallel kdtree, and ditto for sequential versions. Lets make sure things don't change when elements are more clumped up.

broccbrocc_parnaivenosortnosort_parsweepsweep_parBench of space partitioning algs with abspiral(x,0.6)Number of ElementsTime in Seconds0e00.0020.0040.0060.0080.01002000400060008000

Okay good its still the same results. In fact you can see that the parallel kdtree algorithm is suffering a bit with the extra clumpiness. Earlier it was on par with sequential broccoli, but now it is definitively worse.

It's worth noting that the difference between sweep and prune/kdtree and naive is much bigger than the difference between sweep and prune/kdtree and broccoli. So using these simpler algorithms gets you big gains as it is. The gains you get from using broccoli are not as pronounced, but are noticeable with more elements.

In the same vein, you can see that there aren't many gains to use broccoli_par over broccoli. It can double/quadruple your performance, but as you can see those gains pale in comparison to the gains from simply using the a better sequential algorithm. Thats not to say multiplying your performance by the number of cores you have isn't great, it's just that it isn't as big a factor. This to me means that typically, allocating effort on investigating if your algorithm is optimal sequentially may be better than spending effort in parallelizing what you have.

Up until now, we have been looking at trends of how the algorithms preform as we increase the number of aabbs that it has to find intersections for. Lets instead look at trends of what happens when we change how clumped the aabbs are instead.

broccolinaivenosortsweepComplexity of space partitioning algs with abspiral(3000,grow)GrowNumber of Comparisons02e64e66e60.200.250.300.350.400.450.500.55

Okay broccoli is still the best. We didn't include naive because it dwarfed the other algorithms so that you couldn't see the differences between the non naive algorithms. Lets look at bench times:

broccbrocc_parnaivenosortnosort_parsweepsweep_parBench of space partitioning algs with abspiral(30_000,grow)GrowTime in Seconds0e00.

Same trends. Again naive was excluded since it just dwarfed everything.

Extremely clumped up case

So far we've looked at "reasonable" levels of clumpiness. What happens in extremely clumped up cases?

broccolinaivenosortsweepComplexity of space partitioning algs with abspiral(3000,grow)GrowNumber of Comparisons05e61e71.5e70.

The naive algorithm I used is not 100% naive. While it does check every possible pair, it first checks if a pair of aabb's collides in one dimension. If it does not collide in that dimension, it does not even check the next dimension. So because of this "short circuiting", there is a slight increase in comparisons when the aabbs are clumped up. If there were no short-circuiting, it would be flat all across.

Broccoli reduces to sweep and prune if it can't take advantage of its tree property, which it can't in extremely clumped up cases. However, it seemingly still does better than sweep and prune. I think this is related to the fact that sweep and prune sweeps across x, but still checks that the rects intersect along the y all the time. Broccoli however, doesn't check the y axis for bots if it knows they lie on the divider line. Bots that lie on an divider line are already guarenteed to intersect on the y axis.

Now lets look at the benches.

broccbrocc_parnaivenosortnosort_parsweepsweep_parBench of space partitioning algs with abspiral(10_000,grow)GrowTime in Seconds0e00.

Above we benched for a smaller number of elements since it simply takes too long at this density to bench 30_000 elements like we did in the non-extremely-clumped-up case earlier. This graph looks extremely weird!

broccoli par reduces to broccoli sequential when the tree has size one, which is does in extremely clumped up cases.


It's important to note that these comparisons aren't really fair. With broccoli, we are focused on optimising the finding colliding pairs portion, but these comparisons are comparing construct + one call to finding colliding pairs. However, we can't really show a graph of just the query portion, because other algorithms can't be easily split up into a construction and query part. Perhaps a better test would be to compare multiple query calls. So for each algorithm with one set of elements, find all the colliding pairs, then also find all the elements in a rectangle, then also find knearest, etc.

Sweep vs Kd-Tree vs Both

Sweep and prune is a nice and simple AABB collision finding system, but it degenerates as there are more and more "false-positives" (objects that intersect on one axis, but not both). Kd Trees have a great recursive way of pruning out elements, but non-point objects that can't be inserted into children are left in the parent node and those objects must be collision checked with everybody else naively. A better solution is to use both.

The basic idea is that you use a tree up until a specific tree height, and then switch to sweep and prune, and then additionally use sweep and prune for elements stuck in higher up tree nodes. The sweep and prune algorithm is a good candidate to use since it uses very little memory (just a stack that can be reused as you handle descendant nodes). But the real reason why it is good is the fact that the aabbs that belong to a non-leaf node in a kd tree are likely to be strewn across the divider in a line. Sweep and prune degenerates when the active list that it must maintain has many aabbs that end up not intersecting. This isn't likely to happen for the aabbs that belong to a node since the aabbs that belong to a node are guaranteed to touch the divider. If the divider partitions aabbs based off their x value, then the aabbs that belong to that node will all have x values that are roughly close together (they must intersect divider), but they y values can be vastly different (all the aabbs will be scattered up and down the dividing line). So when we do sweep and prune, it is important that we sweep and prune along axis that is different from the axis along which the divider is partitioning, otherwise it will degenerate to practically the naive algorithm.

KD tree vs Quad Tree

I think the main benefit of a quad tree is that tree construction is fast since we don't need to find the median at each level. They also have a interesting relationship with z order curves.

But that comes at a cost of a potentially not great partitioning of the physical elements. Our goal is to make the querying as fast as possible as this is the part that can vary and dominate very easily in dense/clumped up situations. The slow construction time of the kdtree is not ideal, but it is a very consistent load (doesn't vary from how clumped the elements are).

KD trees are also great in a multi-threaded setting. With a kd tree, you are guaranteed that for any parent, there are an equal number of objects if you recurse the left side and the right side since you specifically chose the divider to be the median.

This means that during the query phase, the work-load will be fairly equal on both sides. It might not be truly equal because even though for a given node, you can expect both the left and right sub-trees to have an equal number of elements, they most likely will be distributed differently within each sub-tree. For example the left sub-tree might have all of its elements stuck in just one node, while the right sub-tree has all of its elements in its leaf nodes. However, the size of each sub-tree is a somewhat good estimate of the size of the problem of querying it. So this is a good property for a divide and conquer multi-threaded style algorithm. With a quad tree, the load is not as likely to be even between the four children nodes.

Tree space partitioning vs grid

I wanted to make a collision system that could be used in the general case and did not need to be fine-tuned. Grid based collision systems suffer from the teapot-in-a-stadium problem. They also degenerate more rapidly as objects get more clumped up. If, however, you have a system where you have strict rules with how evenly distributed objects will be among the entire space you're checking collisions against, then I think a grid system can be better. But I think these systems are few and far in between. I think in most systems, for example, its perfectly possible for all the objects to exist entirely on one half of the space being collision checked leaving the other half empty. In such a case, half of the data structure of the grid system is not being used to partition anything. There are also difficulties in how to represent the data structure since every grid cell could have a variable number of aabbs in side of it. Having a Vec in each cell, for example, would hardly be efficient.

The way liquid fun does collisions by using grids in one dimension and sweep and prune in the other.

broccoli vs BVT

I'm not sure how broccoli stacks up against a bounding volume tree. This is something I would like to investigate in the future. It would be interesting to compare against bottom up and top down constructions of BVT seeing as KD Tree are top down by nature.

Rebalancing vs Querying

The below charts show the load balance between the construction and querying through calling find_colliding_pairs on the broccoli. It's important to note that the comparison isn't really 'fair'. The cost of querying depends a lot on what you plan on doing with every colliding pair (it could be an expensive user calculation). Here we just use a 'reasonably' expensive calculation that repels the colliding pairs.

//Called on each colliding pair.
fn repel(p1: Vec2<f32>, p2: Vec2<f32>, res1: &mut Vec2<f32>, res2: &mut Vec2<f32>) {
    let offset = p2 - p1;
    let dis = (offset).magnitude2();
    if dis < RADIUS * RADIUS {
        *res1 += offset * 0.0001;
        *res2 -= offset * 0.0001;

Some observations:

  • The cost of rebalancing does not change with the density of the objects
  • If the aabbs are spread out enough, the cost of querying decreases enough to be about the same as rebalancing.
  • The cost of querying is reduced more by parallelizing than the cost of rebalancing.

It makes sense that querying in more 'parallelizable' than rebalancing since the calculation that you have to perform for each node before you can divide and conquer the problem is more expensive for rebalancing. For rebalancing you need to find the median and bin the aabbs. For querying you only have to do sweep and prune. So more work has to be done upfront on a node before we can recurse.

contrns_contrns_par_contrns_par_queryns_querypar_contrpar_queryqueryBench of construction vs query abspiral(x,1.5)Number of ElementsTime in Seconds0e00.0020.0040.0060.0080.0100.012050001000015000 brocc_constrbrocc_querynosort_constrnosort_queryComplexity of construction vs query with abspiral(x,2.1)Number of ElementsNumber of Comparisons05e51e6010002000300040005000 brocc_constrbrocc_querynosort_constrnosort_queryComplexity of construction vs query with abspiral(40_000,grow)GrowNumber of Comparisons02e64e66e68e61e71.2e71.

Collect Performance

Sometimes you need to iterate over all colliding pairs multiple times even though the elements haven't moved. You could call find_colliding_pairs() multiple times, but it is slow. Broccoli provides functions to save off query results so that they can be iterated on though TreeInd.

benchcollectBench of query vs collect with abspiral(1.5,n)Number of ElementsTime in Seconds0e00.0020.0040.00605000100001500020000250003000035000

The above graph shows the performance of collect_colliding_pairs() and collect_colliding_pairs_par(). These functions generate lists of colliding pairs. The graph shows only the time taken to construct the lists.

cached_pairsnon_cached_pairsBench of cached pairs 10 iter with abspiral(1.5,n)Number of ElementsTime in Seconds0e00.

The above graph shows the performance of iterating over the pairs collected from calling collect_colliding_pairs() and collect_colliding_pairs_par(). The parallel version returns multiple disjoint pairs that can be iterated on in parallel. Notice that it is much faster to iterate over the pre-found colliding pairs when compared to the earlier chart. The graph makes it obvious that there are gains to iterating over disjoint pairs in parallel, but keep in mind that the times we are looking at are extremely small to begin with.

So as you can see, you pay a small cost, for collecting the colliding pairs, but then you are able to iterate over them over and over again faster.

Construction Cost vs Querying Cost

If you are simulating moving elements, it might seem slow to rebuild the tree every iteration. But from benching, most of the time querying is the cause of the slowdown. Rebuilding is always a constant load, but the load of the query can vary wildly depending on how many elements are overlapping.

We don't want to speed up construction but produce a worse partitioning as a result of that. That is because that would slow down querying and that is what can dominate easily. Instead we can focus on speeding up the construction of an optimal partitioning. This can be done via parallelism. Sorting the aabbs that sit on dividing lines may seem slow, but we can get this for 'free' essentially because it can be done after we have already split up the children nodes. So we can finish sorting a node while the children are being worked on. Rebuilding the first level of the tree does take some time, but it is still just a fraction of the entire building algorithm in some crucial cases, provided that it was able to partition almost all the aabbs into two planes.

Additionally, we have been assuming that once we build the tree, we are just finding all the colliding pairs of the elements. In reality, there might be many different queries we want to do on the same tree. So this is another reason we want the tree to be built to make querying as fast as possible, because we don't know how many queries the user might want to do on it. In addition to finding all colliding pairs, its quite reasonable the user might want to do some k_nearest querying, some rectangle area querying, or some raycasting.

Inserting elements after construction

broccoli does not support inserting elements after construction. If you want to add more elements, you have to rebuild the tree. However, broccoli provides a intersect_with() function that lets you find collisions between two groups. This way you can have one group of static objects and another group of dynamic objects, and update the static objects less frequently. In a dynamic particle system for example, most of the time, enough particles move about in one step to justify recreating the whole tree.

Exploiting Temporal Locality (with loose bounding boxes)

One strategy to exploit temporal locality is by inserting looser bounding boxes into the tree and caching the results of a query for longer than one step. The upside to this is that you only have to build and query the tree every couple of iterations. There are a number of downsides, though:

  • Your system performance now depends on the speed of the aabbs. The faster your aabbs move, the bigger their loose bounding boxes, the slower the querying becomes. This isn't a big deal considering the amount that a bot moves between two frames is expected to be extremely small. But still, there are some corner cases where performance would deteriorate. For example, if every bot was going so fast it would just from one end of you screen to the other between world steps. So you may also need to bound the velocity of your aabbs to a small value.

  • You have to implement all the useful geometry tree functions all over again, or you can only use the useful geometry functions at the key world steps where the tree actually is constructed. For example, if you want to query a rectangle area, the tree provides a nice function to do this, but you only have the tree every couple of iterations. The result is that you have to somehow implement a way to query all the aabbs in the rectangle area using your cached lists of colliding aabbs, or simply only query on the world steps in which you do have the built tree. Those queries will also be slower since you are working on a tree with loose boxes.

  • The maximum load on a world step is greater. Sure amortized, this caching system may save computation, but the times you do construct and query the tree, you are doing so with loose bounding boxes. On top of that, while querying, you also have to build up a separate data structure that caches the colliding pairs you find.

  • The api of the broccoli is flexible enough that you can implement loose bounding box + caching on top of it (without sacrificing parallelism) if desired.

So in short, this system doesn't take advantage of temporal locality, but the user can still take advantage of it by inserting loose bounding boxes and then querying less frequently to amortize the cost.

Level Comparison

The below charts show the load balance between the different levels of the tree. Tree construction is compared against one call to find_colliding_pairs.

Some observations:

  • The cost of rebalancing the first level is the most erratic. This is because in some cases we're hitting the worst cases of pdqselect. I like to think of the algorithm as a sponge and the problem as water seeping through it. First you you have coarse filtering, then it gets more precise.
  • The load goes from the top levels to the bottom levels as the aabbs spread out more.
  • The load on the first few levels is not high unless the aabbs are clumped up.
  • The leaves don't have much work to do since aabbs have a size, they aren't likely to into a leaf.

Level 0Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Complexity of rebal levels with abspiral(5000,x)Spiral GrowNumber of Comparisons01e52.0e53.0e54.0e55.0e50. Level 0Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Complexity of query levels with abspiral(5000,x)Spiral GrowNumber of Comparisons05e51e61.5e62.0e62.5e60. Level 0Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Bench of rebal levels with abspiral(5000,x)Spiral GrowTime taken in Seconds0e00.00050.00100.00150. Level 0Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Bench of query levels with abspiral(5000,x)Spiral GrowTime taken in Seconds0e00.0020.0040.0060.0080.

Semi-Direct vs Direct vs Indirect

Below are a bunch of diagrams that highlight differences between a couple variables: Whether the elements inserted into the tree are made up of:

  • (Rect<Num>,&mut T) (Semi-Direct)
  • (Rect<Num>,T) (Direct)
  • &mut (Rect<Num>,T) (Indirect)

We also vary the size of T (8,16,32,128,or 256 bytes). We do not bother varying the size of Num since we assume the user is using a 'normal' sized number type like a float or an integer.

We bench construction as well as one call to find_colliding_pairs.

We define a more specialized abspiral(), abspiral-isize() that takes an additional argument which influences the size of T.

There are a couple of observations to make.

  • Semi-Direct is the best all-around.
  • Direct is sometimes slightly faster then Semi-Direct at querying, but the slowest at construction
  • Indirect isn't far behind Semi-Direct, but suffers in some high density distributions.
  • Direct is greatly influenced by the size of T.
default_seqdirect_seqindirect_seqBench of rebal:8_bytes with abspiral(num,1.5)Number of ElementsTime in Seconds0e00.0010.0020.0030.0040.0050500010000150002000025000 default_seqdirect_seqindirect_seqBench of rebal:16_bytes with abspiral(num,1.5)Number of ElementsTime in Seconds0e00.0010.0020.0030.0040500010000150002000025000 default_seqdirect_seqindirect_seqBench of rebal:32_bytes with abspiral(num,1.5)Number of ElementsTime in Seconds0e00.0010.0020.0030.0040500010000150002000025000 default_seqdirect_seqindirect_seqBench of rebal:128_bytes with abspiral(num,1.5)Number of ElementsTime in Seconds0e00.0020.0040.0060.0080500010000150002000025000 default_seqdirect_seqindirect_seqBench of rebal:256_bytes with abspiral(num,1.5)Number of ElementsTime in Seconds0e00.020.040.060500010000150002000025000 default_seqdirect_seqindirect_seqBench of rebal:128_bytes with abspiral(num,0.6)Number of ElementsTime in Seconds0e00.0020.0040.0060500010000150002000025000 default_seqdirect_seqindirect_seqBench of rebal:128_bytes with abspiral(num,2.1)Number of ElementsTime in Seconds0e00.0010.0020.0030.0040.0050500010000150002000025000

default_seqdirect_seqindirect_seqBench of query:8_bytes with abspiral(num,1.5)Number of ElementsTime in Seconds0e00.0010.0020.0030.0040.0050500010000150002000025000 default_seqdirect_seqindirect_seqBench of query:16_bytes with abspiral(num,1.5)Number of ElementsTime in Seconds0e00.0010.0020.0030.0040500010000150002000025000 default_seqdirect_seqindirect_seqBench of query:32_bytes with abspiral(num,1.5)Number of ElementsTime in Seconds0e00.0010.0020.0030.0040.0050500010000150002000025000 default_seqdirect_seqindirect_seqBench of query:128_bytes with abspiral(num,1.5)Number of ElementsTime in Seconds0e00.0010.0020.0030.0040.0050500010000150002000025000 default_seqdirect_seqindirect_seqBench of query:256_bytes with abspiral(num,1.5)Number of ElementsTime in Seconds0e00.0010.0020.0030.0040.0050500010000150002000025000 default_seqdirect_seqindirect_seqBench of query:128_bytes with abspiral(num,0.6)Number of ElementsTime in Seconds0e00.0020.0040.0060.0080.0100500010000150002000025000 default_seqdirect_seqindirect_seqBench of query:128_bytes with abspiral(num,2.1)Number of ElementsTime in Seconds0e00.0010.0020.0030.0040.0050500010000150002000025000

Different Data Layouts

Because the tree construction code is generic over the elements that are inserted (as long as they implement Aabb), The user can easily try all three data layouts.

The semi-direct layout is almost always the fastest. There are a few corner cases where if T is very small, and the aabbs are very dense, direct is slightly faster, but it is marginal.

The semi-direct layout is good because during broccoli construction and querying we make heavy use of aabb's, but don't actually need T all that much. We only need T when we actually detect a collision, which doesn't happen that often. Most of the time we are just ruling out possible colliding pairs by checking their aabbs.

Yes the times we do need T could lead to a cache miss, but this happens infrequently enough that that is ok. Using the direct layout we are less likely to get a cache miss on access of T, but now the aabbs are further apart from each other because we have all these T's in the way. It also took us longer to put the aabb's and T's all together in one contiguous memory.

One thing that is interesting to note is that in these benches T has its aabb already inside of it, and so (Rect<isize>,&mut T) duplicates that memory. This is still faster than direct and indirect, but it does use more memory. The direct method's main advantage is memory usage which is the lowest.

If we were inserting references into the tree, then the original order of the aabbs is preserved during construction/destruction of the tree. However, for the direct layout, we are inserting the actual aabbs to remove this layer of indirection. So when are done using the tree, we may want to return the aabbs to the user is the same order that they were put in. This way the user can rely on indices for other algorithms to uniquely identify a bot. To do this, during tree construction, you would have to also build up a Vec of offsets to be used to return the aabbs to their original position. You would have to keep this as a separate data structure as it will only be used on destruction of the tree. If we were to put the offset data into the tree itself, it would be wasted space and would hurt the memory locality of the tree query algorithms. We only need to use these offsets once, during destruction. It shouldnt be the case that all querying algorithms that might be performed on the tree suffer performance for this.

AABB vs Point + radius

Point+radius pros: less memory (just 3 floating point values) cons: can only represent a circle (not an oval) have to do more floating point calculations during querying

AABB pros: no floating point calculations needed during querying. can represent any rectangle cons: more memory (4 floating point values)

Note, if the size of the elements is the same then the Point+radius only takes up 2 floating point values, so that might be better in certain cases. But even in this case, I think the cost of having to do floating point calculations when comparing every bot with every other bot in the query part of the algorithm is too much. With a AABB system, absolutely no floating point calculations need to be done to find all colliding pairs.

AABB data layout

The aabb we use is made up of ranges that look like : start,end instead of start,length. If you define them as a start and a length then querying intersections between rectangles requires that you do floating point arithmetic. The advantage of the start,end data layout is that all the broccoli query algorithms don't need to do a single floating point calculation. It is all just comparisons. The downside, is that if you want the dimensions on the aabb, you have to calculate them, but this isnt something that any of the tree algorithms need.

Leaves as unique type, vs single node type.

The leaf elements of the tree data structure don't need as much information as their parent nodes. They don't have dividers. So half of the nodes of the data structure have a field that stores no information. It can be tempting to give the leaf nodes a separate type to improve memory usage, but the divider size is small, and the number of nodes in general is relatively small compared to the number of aabbs. The leaves would also have to live in their own container (or you'd have to deal with alignment problems), which would lead to more complexity while iterating down the tree.

Tree structure data separate from elements in memory, vs intertwined

There is a certain appeal to storing the tree elements and tree data intertwined in the same piece of contiguous memory. Cache coherency might be improved since there is very little chance that the tree data, and the elements that belong to that node are not in the same cache block. But there is added complexity. Because the elements that are inserted into the tree are generic, the alignment of the objects may not match that of the tree data object. This would lead to wasted padded space that must be inserted into the tree to accommodate this. Additionally, while this data structure could be faster at querying, it would be slower if the user just wants to iterate through all the elements in the tree. The cache misses don't happen that often since the chance of a cache miss only happens on a per node basis, instead of per element. Moreover, I think the tree data structure itself is very small and has a good chance of being completely in a cache block.

Dfs in-order vs Dfs pre-order vs Bfs order.

The main primitive that they use is accessing the two children nodes from a parent node. Fundamentally, if I have a node, I would hope that the two children nodes are somewhat nearby to where the node I am currently at is. More importantly, the further down the tree I go, I would hope this is more and more so the case (as I have to do it for more and more nodes). For example, the closeness of the children nodes to the root isn't that important since there is only one of those. On the other hand, the closeness of the children nodes for the nodes at the 5th level of the tree are more important since that are 32 of them.

So how can we layout the nodes in memory to achieve this? Well, putting them in memory in breadth first order doesn't cut it. This achieves the exact opposite. For example, the children of the root are literally right next to it. On the other hand the children of the most left node on the 5th level only show up after you look over all the other nodes at the 5th level. Depth first search gives us the properties that we want. With this ordering, all the parents of leaf nodes are literally right next to them in memory. The children of the root node are potentially extremely far apart, but that is okay since there is only one of them.

Dfs in order uses more memory during construction from during recursion, but it gives you the nice property of the following: If a node is to the left of another node in space, then that node is to the left of that node in memory. Not sure when this property would every be useful, however.

Dfs pre-order and post-order might be more cache friendly. With these layouts, there is just one memory segment that shrinks in size as you recurse. This gives you a nice property you don't have with in-order. Given a node, you can represent all the aabbs underneath it as one contiguous slice. This property is relied on in the nbody impl. broccoli uses dfs pre-order.

Comparison of Tree Height

The below charts show the performance of building and querying colliding pairs when manually selecting a height other than the default one chosen. You can see that the theory is a downward curve, but the benching is more of a bowl. Theory would tell us to have a big enough height such that every leaf node had only one bot in it. But in the real world, this is overhead due to excessive recursive calls. Its not that pronounced, and I think it is because most of the aabbs don't make it to the bottom of the tree anyway. Most will intersect a divider somewhere in the tree. If we used smaller aabbs it might be more pronounced.

Complexity of differing num elem per node with abspiral(10000,1.5)Tree HeightNumber of Comparisons01e62.0e63.0e64.0e624681012 Bench of differing num elem per node with abspiral(10000,1.5)Tree HeightNumber of Comparisons0e00.0010.0020.0030.0040.00524681012

ODD vs Even height trees.

You can see that the even heights are barely better than the odds for sub optimal heights. With odd trees, the direction that the root nodes aabbs are sorted is the same as the leaves. If its even they are different. When the direction's match, we can use sweep and prune to speed things up. When the directions don't match, the sorted property can't be exploited since they are in different dimensions even though some pruning can still be done based off of the bounding rectangles of the dividers. In 'normal' looking trees where the aabbs arn't extremely clumped up, these two methods seem to be around the same speed. In degenerate cases, not enough aabbs can be excluded using the dividers bounding box for the perpendicular cases.

The below chart compares the empirically best height against the height that our heuristic tree height function produces.

OptimalHeuristicBench of optimal vs heuristic with abspiral(x,1.5)Number of ElementsTree Height024681050001000015000200002500030000350004000045000

Comparison of Parallel Height

The below chart shows the performance of the broccoli tree for different levels at which to switch to sequential. Obviously if you choose to switch to sequential straight away, you have sequential tree performance.

This was benched on a laptop with 4 physical cores. This means that if you just parallelize one level of the kdtree, you're only taking advantage of two of the 4 cores. This explains the time it took when we switched at level 8 vs 9.

Rebal ParQuery ParRebalQueryBench of differing parallel switch levels with abspiral(20,000,1.5)problem size at which to switch to sequentialTime in Seconds0e00.0020.0040.006050001000015000

Comparison of primitive types

The below chart shows performance using different primitive types for the aabbs.

You can see that it can be slightly faster to spend the time to convert the floats to integers, than to use floats. This might not be true on all CPU architectures.

You could also covert floats to u16. This way an entire Rect<u16> is only 64bits big. You loose some precision, but provided that you round up such that your bounding boxes are only ever slightly too big, this likely isnt a problem. We are using this tree for broad-phase collision detection - its already not precise. So why not use an imprecise number type if we are just trying to broadly determine colliding pairs.

If you do convert your floats to integers, make sure to normalize it over all possible values of the integer to make it as accurate as possible. If it is important to you to not miss any intersections, then you'd also have make sure that the rounding is conservative always producing a bounding box that is slightly bigger than it needs to be.

floatfloat_i32i64intBench of differing number types With abspiral(x,1.5)Number of ElementsTime in Seconds0e00.0010.0020.0030.004600080001000012000140001600018000

Ord vs Partial-Ord

As any rust user eventually learns, the floating point standard doesn't provide a total ordering of floats. This makes it impossible to implement a true max() or min() function. Rust's floating point primitive types only implement PartialOrd and not Ord, requiring that the user specify what to do in cases where there is no clear comparison when using functions like max.

broccoli construction and query requires sorting or finding the max and min at various times. There are basically 3 ways to handle floating points.

  • Enforce Ord

    • Impossible for the user to incorrectly use the tree.
    • Cumbersome for the user to use wrapper types like NotNan or OrderedFloat
    • Wrapper types can incur performance hits.
      • OrderedFloat has a slightly more expensive comparison
      • NotNan can introduce error paths making auto-vectorization not possible.
  • Require PartialOrd and panic on failure

    • Impossible for the user to incorrectly use the tree.
    • Performance hit from extra checks and error paths in the query algorithms themselves.
  • Require PartialOrd and silently fail.

    • No performance hit
    • Flexible to user.
      • User can still opt into using Ord types by passing their own wrapper types. They can define their own from_ord()->Tree tree building function that requires Ord.
    • User could mis-use the tree. They need to be cognizant that they are not passing NaN values if they are opting out of using a wrapper type.

For a long time I used the first option, but have since moved to the last option. Mainly because it makes the code using this crate much more ergonomic and easier to read since there is no need to juggle a wrapper type.

Forbidding the user from violating the invariants of the tree statically

We want the user to be able to mutate the elements directly in the tree, but we also do not want to let them mutate the aabb's of each of the elements of the tree. Doing so would mean we'd need to re-construct the tree.

So when iterating over the tree, we can't return &mut T. So to get around that, there is PMut<T> that wraps around a &mut T and hides it but allows the user to access a mutable inner part, and a read-only aabb part.

So that makes the user unable to get a &mut T, but even if we just give the user a &mut [PMut<T>] where is another problem. The user could swap two node's slices around. So to get around that we use PMut<[T]> and PMutIter<T>.

But there is still another problem, we can't return a &mut Node either. Because then the user could swap the entire node between two nodes in the tree. So to get around that we have a PMut<Node> that wraps around a &mut Node.

So that's a lot of work, but now the user is physically unable to violate the invariants of the tree at compile time and at the same time we do not have a level of indirection.

The downside to this static protection is the loss of the nice syntactic sugar using a regular &mut T would provide. The user has to manually extract the mutable inner part by calling unpack_inner().

Knowing the axis at compile time

A problem with using recursion on an kd tree is that every time you recurse, you have to access a different axis, so you might have branches in your code. A branch predictor might have problems seeing the pattern that the axis alternate with each call. One way to avoid this would be to handle the nodes in bfs order. Then you only have to alternate the axis once every level. But this way you lose the nice divide and conquer aspect of splitting the problem into two and handling those two problems concurrently. So to avoid this, the axis of a particular recursive call is known at compile time. Each recursive call, will call the next with the next axis type. This way all branching based off of the axis is known at compile time.

A downside to this is that the starting axis of the tree must be chosen at compile time. It is certainly possible to create a wrapper around two specialized versions of the tree, one for each axis, but this would leads to a lot of generated code, for little benefit. Not much time is spent handling the root node anyway, so even if the suboptimal starting axis is picked it is not that big of a deal.

For this reason I hardcoded the starting divider to be a vertical line, partitioning aabbs based off of their x axis. This is completely arbitrary. In some cases, users might have more information about their particular distribution of aabbs to want a different starting axis, but the loss of choosing the not optimal starting axis isn't that big in most cases, I think.

Mutable vs Read-Only api

We could have just exposed read only versions of all the query functions where functions like find_all_colliding_pairs just returned a read only reference instead of a mutable reference. You could still use this api to mutate things by either inserting indexes or pointers. If you inserted indices, then you would need to use unsafe to get mutable references to both elements simultaneously in an array since the fact that both indices are distinct and don't alias is not known to the compiler. If you inserted pointers, then you would need to use unsafe to cast them to mutable references. So having to use unsafe is a downside.

An upside is that you would be able to run multiple raycast() function queries simultaneously, for example.

The main downside is loss of flexibility in cases where you want to store the actual elements inside the tree instead of just pointers or indices. In those cases, you obviously need mutable references to each element.

Mutable vs Mutable + Read-Only api

Ideally, there would be both a find_all_colliding_pairs and a find_all_colliding_pairs_mut.

A lot of the query algorithms don't actually care what kind of reference is in the tree. They don't actually mutate the elements, they just retrieve them, and forward them on to the user who may want to mutate them or not.

In this way, it would be nice if the query algorithms were generic of the type of reference they held. This way you could have a raycast(&mut Tree) function that allows you to mutate the elements it finds, or you could have a raycast(&Tree) function that allows you to call it multiple times in parallel.

To do this you can go down one of two paths, macros or generic associated types. GATs don't exist yet, and macros are hard to read and can be a head ache. Check out how rust reuses code between Iter and IterMut for slices for an example of macro solution. So for now, we will just support mutable api.

A good article about GATs can be found here.

Algorithm overview:


Construction works like this. Given: a list of aabbs.

For every node we do the following:

  1. First we find the median of the remaining elements (using pattern defeating quick select) and use its position as this nodes divider.
  2. Then we bin the aabbs into three bins. Those strictly to the left of the divider, those strictly to the right, and those that intersect.
  3. Then we sort the aabbs that intersect the divider along the opposite axis that was used to finding the median. These aabbs now live in this node.
  4. Now this node is fully set up. Recurse left and right with the aabbs that were binned left and right. This can be done in parallel.

Finding all colliding pairs

Done via divide and conquer. For every node we do the following:

  1. First we find all intersections with aabbs in that node using sweep and prune..
  2. We recurse left and right finding all aabbs that intersect with aabbs in the node. Here we can quickly rule out entire nodes and their descendants if a node's aabb does not intersect with this nodes aabb.
  3. At this point the aabbs in this node have been completely handled. We can safely move on to the children nodes and treat them as two entirely separate trees. Since these are two completely disjoint trees, they can be handling in parallel.


There are some very fast allocators out there, but not all allocators are created equal. If you want your code to be as platform independent as possible, you should try to minimize allocations even if in benches on your local machine, there is no performance hit. For example, currently the rust webassembly target using a very simple allocator that is pretty slow. The colliding pair finding algorithm requires a stack at each level of recursion. Each level of recursion, we could allocate a new stack, but reusing the preallocated stack is better. It just turns out that this requires some unsafe{} since we are populating the stack with lifetimed mutable references.

How to handle parallel cases

Part of the colliding pair finding algorithm requires that we find all colliding pairs between two nodes. Some times the aabbs between two nodes are sorted along the same dimension and sometimes not. When they are we have three options that all sound pretty good:

  • Option 1:
    • Use just one stack of active list
    • Aabbs are kept in the active list longer than normal
    • More comparisons, but simple and only uses one vec
  • Option 2:
    • Use two active lists.
    • Fewest comparisons
    • Needs two vecs.
  • Option 3:
    • Use two active lists, but implement it as one vec under the hood.
    • Fewest allocations
    • Fewest comparisons
    • Slow to push and truncate each vec since it requires shuffling things around.

I went with option 3. The performance hit from pushing and truncating can be made up with a big allocation up front. Doing two big allocations upfront for option2 is wasteful.

How to speed up perpendicular cases

Its slow to naively find intersections between the aabbs in two nodes that are sorted along different dimensions. There are a couple of options:

  • Option 1:

    • Cut off each list by using the other node's bounding box to deal with smaller lists.
    • Now iterate over each element, and perform parallel sweep where one list has size one.
  • Option 2:

    • Cut off each list by using the other node's bounding box to deal with smaller list.
    • Collect a list of pointers of one list.
    • Sort that list along the other lists axis
    • Perform parallel sweep
  • Option 3:

    • Cut off each list as always
    • do a simple nested loop and check if the aabbs intersect
  • Option 4:

    • Cut off each list as always
    • For each element in node A, iterate over each element in node B.
      • Exit early if the B element is completely to the right of the A element.
      • Now we only have to check if the B element's right side is touching A.

Option 4 is the fastest. It exploits the sorted property of the aabbs, but also does not require any kind of storage of an active list.

nbody (experimental)

Here we use divide and conquer.

The nbody algorithm works in three steps. First a new version tree is built with extra data for each node. Then the tree is traversed taking advantage of this data. Then the tree is traversed again applying the changes made to the extra data from the construction in the first step.

The extra data that is stored in the tree is the sum of the masses of all the aabbs in that node and all the aabbs under it. The idea is that if two nodes are sufficiently far away from one another, they can be treated as a single body of mass.

So once the extra data is setup, for every node we do the following: Gravitate all the aabbs with each other that belong to this node. Recurse left and right gravitating all aabbs encountered with all the aabbs in this node. Here once we reach nodes that are sufficiently far away, we instead gravitate the node's extra data with this node's extra data, and at this point we can stop recursing. At this point it might appear we are done handling this node and the problem has been reduced to two smaller ones, but we are not done yet. We additionally have to gravitate all the aabbs on the left of this node with all the aabbs on the right of this node. For all nodes encountered while recursing the left side, Recurse the right side, and handle all aabbs with all the aabbs on the left node. If a node is sufficiently far away, treat it as a node mass instead and we can stop recursing. At this point we can safely exclude this node and handle the children and completely independent problems.


TODO explain now

TODO improvement: right now the raycast algorithm naively checks all the elements that belong to a node provided it decides to look at a node. In reality, we could do better. We could figure out where the ray hits the divider line, and then only check AABBs that intersect that divider line. The problem with this improvement is that we can't just rely on the Num trait since we need to do some math. You lose the nice property of the algorithm not doing any number arithmetic. Therefore I didn't implement it. However it might be a good idea. That said, before any element is checked using the expensive raycast function, it will first check the abb raycast function to determine if it is even worth going further. This is probably a good enough speed up.


TODO explain


TODO explain.

Extension ideas

API for excluding elements.

One thing a user might want to do is iterate over every element, and then for each element, raycast outward from that element (that is not itself).

Another thing the user might want to do is perform raycast but skip over a set of aabbs.

These usecases aren't directly supported by broccoli, but I think can be done by adding a wrapper layer on top of broccoli. For example, in order to skip over elements the user can just maintain a list of pointers. Then in the raycast callback functions, the user can just check if the current pointer is in that blacklist of pointers, and if it is, say there was no hit.

Pointer Compression

The broccoli tree data structure can be very pointer heavy. There may be some gains from using pointer compression if only during construction. During the query phase, i'm certain that using pointer compression would be slow given the extra overhead of having to unpack each pointer. However, if the tree was constructed with BBox<N,u16> which was then converted to BBox<N,&mut T> then maybe construction would be faster provided the conversion isn't too slow. A cleaner solution would just be to target a 32bit arch instead of 64bit. (Side-note: The webassembly arch is 32bit)


What about 3D? Making this library multi dimensional would have added to the complexity, so I only targeted 2D. That said, you could certainly use broccoli to partition 2 dimensions, and then use naive for the third. In fact, in situations where things are more likely to intersect on the x and y plane and less so on the z plane, maybe it is faster to use a system that is optimized to prune out just x and y before pruning z. I imagine this must be true in distributions that are "mostly" 2D, which I think is true for a lot of usecases. i.e. we mostly live on a 2d plane.

With "true" 3d, some aspects of the algorithm might not work as well. For example, we picked sweep and prune because we had knowledge that there would be very few false positives given that they must be strewn across the divider. In 3d, we would be doing sweep and prune over a plane, so the gains might not be as much. In fact, the best thing to use would probably be itself, with one dimension less. So Tree<N> would use Tree<N-1> to find collisions in a divider. This would require the rust feature proposed by const_evaluatable_checked.

Continuous Collision detection

In order to use broccoli for continuous collision detection (suitable for very fast objects, for example), the aabbs that you insert into it must be big enough to contain the position of a bot before and after the time step. This way, upon aabb collisions, you can do fine grained continuous collision detection and resolution. broccoli is well suited for this use-case because it makes no assumptions about the sizes of the aabbs. There is no rule that they must all be the same size or have a maximum size.

Colliding every other frame

If you populate the tree with loose bounding boxes that is big enough to cover all the places a bot could end up in one iteration, you could save finding the colliding pairs every other iteration. To do this the collect functions are useful for saving query results for the intermediate steps.


It might be possible to pipeline the process so that rebalancing and querying happen at the same time with the only downside being that aabbs react to their collisions one step later. To account for that the aabb's could be made slightly bigger and predict what they will hit the next step. However, the construction and querying phase are already parallelized. Making those happen in parallel will probably confuse the rayon's work stealer. However maybe if there are somehow two independent thread-pools this could get you the speed up. However, its unclear to me if it would be faster because you'd have to insert slightly bigger aabbs which would slow down querying.


In liquid simulations the cost of querying dominates even more than construction since as opposed to particles that repel when touching, liquid particles react even when just close to each other. This means that the aabb's will intersect more often as the system tends to have overlapping aabbs.

Rigid Bodies

If you want to use this tree for true rigid bodies you have to deal with an obvious problem. You cannot move the bounding boxes once the tree it constructed. So while you are querying the tree to find aabbs that collide, you cannot move them then and there. An option is to insert loose bounding boxes and allow the aabbs to be moved within the loose bounding boxes. And then if the move need to be moved so much that they have to be moved out of the loose bounding boxes, re-construct the tree and query again until all the aabbs have finished moving, or you have done a set number of physics iterations, at which point you have some soft-body collision resolution fallback.

Ironically, even though to have a rigid body system you would need to have looser bounding boxes, performance of the system overall could improve. This is because rigid body systems enforce a level of spareness. In soft body, it is possible for literally every bot to be on touching each other causing many colliding pairs to be handled. A rigid body physics system would not allow this state to happen.

However, you should ignore everything I just said. A much better solution is to not move the aabbs at all. You can still have rigid body physics by just doing many passes on the velocities. Check out Erin Catto's Box2D library, as well as some of his talks.

Improvements to the algorithm itself

Temporal Coherence between tree constructions

A good thing about sweep and prune is that it can take advantage of small changes to the list of aabbs over time by using sorting algorithms that are good at handling mostly sorted elements.

It would be interesting to use last tree construction's dividers as pivots for the next tree construction. This would require touching the pdqselect crate to accept custom pivots. Not sure what the gains here would be, though considering the level balance charts indicate that even in the best case, rebalancing does get that much faster (in cases where good pivots are chosen). Those charts indicate barely any variation even though they are using random-ish pivots.

Don't sort the leafs

If you don't sort the leafs, there could be some potential speed up. By the time you get to the leafs, there are so few aabbs in a leaf that it may not be worth it. The aabbs also would not be strewn along a dividing line so sweep and prune would not be as fast. However, this can only hurt the query algorithm so I didn't do it. However, if you want to make one (construct+query) sequence as fast as possible it might be better. But this would also mean more code paths and branching. Not sure if it would help.

Sort away from the divider.

Currently, all elements are sorted using the left or top side of the aabb. It would be interesting if depending on the direction you recurse, you sorted along the left or right side of the aabb. This might help pruning elements from nodes on perpendicular axis. It also make the algorithm have a nice symmetry of behaving exactly the same in each half of a partition. The downside is more code generated and complexity. Also in the evenness graphs in the tree level load section, you can see that the workload os mostly balanced, and only becomes very unbalanced for extremely clumped up distributions.

Exploiting Temporal Locality (caching medians)

I would be interesting to try the following: Instead of finding the median at every level, find an approximate median. Additionally, keep a weighted average of the medians from previous tree builds and let it degrade with time. Get an approximate median using median of medians. This would ensure worst case linear time when building one level of the tree. This would allow the rest of the algorithm to be parallelized sooner. This would mean that query would be slower since we are not using heuristics and not using the true median, but this might be a small slowdown and it might speed of construction significantly. However in looking at data of the load taken by each level, finding the medians is pretty fast, and an approximate median would only hurt the query side of the algorithm.

Exploiting Temporal Location (moving dividers with mass)

For a while I had the design where the dividers would move as though they had mass. They would gently be pushed to which ever side had more aabbs. Dividers near the root had more mass and were harder to sway than those below. The problem with this approach is that the divider locations will mostly of the time be sub optimal. And the cost saved in rebalancing just isn't enough for the cost added to querying with a suboptimal partitioning. By always partitioning optimally, we get guarantees of the maximum number of aabbs in a node. Remember querying is the bottleneck, not rebalancing.

How to make a Aabb

So far we've talked about how aabbs can be stored in a Tree. For example we recommended populating it with BBox<N,&mut T>. But we haven't talked about how you would generate such a struct.

In some dynamic systems, every particle has a position and maybe a radius, and then from the position and radius an aabb can be generated. So what you store in your tree might look something like this:

BBox<f32,&mut Particle>

where Particle might look like this:

struct Particle{

and then in your main loop you might have something like this:


An optimization idea

Provided all the particles are the same size, in order to save on space, your particle could just be :

struct Particle{

And you could instead use one of the corners of the aabb:

        let apos=[a.rect.x.start,a.rect.y.start];
        let bpos=[b.rect.x.start,b.rect.y.start];

Where repel is modified to take the center of the particle as an argument. This works because for the repel() function we just need the relative offset position to determine the direction and magnitude of the repel force. So it doesn't matter that we used the top left corner instead of the center.



Testing correctness

A good test is a test that tests with good certainty that a large portion of code is working properly and that is itself short. Maintaining tests comes at the cost of anchoring down the design of the actual code in addition to having to be maintained themselves. As a result, making good abstractions between your crates and modules that have simple and well defined apis is very important. Then you can have a few simple tests to fully exercise an api and verify large amounts of code.

This crate's sole purpose is to provide a method of providing collision detection that is faster than the naive method. So a good high level test would be to compare the query results from using this crate to the naive method (which is much easier to verify is correct). This one test can be performed on many different inputs of lists of aabbs to try to expose any corner cases. So this one test when fed with both random and specifically hand tailored inputs to expose corner cases can show with a lot of certainty that the crate is satisfying the api.

Simply using rust has a big impact on testing. Because of its heavy use of static typing, many bugs are caught at compile time. This translates to less testing as there are fewer possible paths that the produced program can take.

The fact that the api is generic over the underlying number type used is useful. This means that we can test the system using integers and we can expect it to work for floats. It is easier to test with integers since we can more easily construct specific scenarios where one number is one value more or less than another. So in this way we can expose corner cases.


Always measure code before investing time in optimizing. As you design your program. You form in your mind ideas of what you think the bottle necks in your code are. When you actually measure your program, your hunches can be wildly off.

Rust is a great language that strives for platform independent code. But at the end of the day, even though rust programs will behave the same on multiple platforms, their performance might be wildly different. And as soon as you start optimizing for one platform you have to wonder whether or not you are actually de-optimizing for another platform. For example, rebalancing is slower on my android phone than querying. On my dell xps laptop, querying is the faster instead. I have wondered why there is this disconnect. I think part of it is that rebalancing requires a lot of sorting, and sorting is something where it is hard to predict branches and my laptop probably has a superior branch predictor. Another possible reason is memory writing. Rebalancing involves a lot of memory swapping, whereas querying does not involve any major writing to memory outside of what the user decides to do for each colliding pair. In any case, my end goal in creating this algorithm was to make the querying as fast as possible so as to get the most consistent performance regardless of how many aabbs were colliding.

When dealing with parallelism, benching small units can give you a warped sense of performance. Once the units are combined, there may be more contention for resources like work stealing. With small units, you have a false sense that the cpu's are not busy doing other things. For example, I parallelized creating the container range for each node. Benchmarks showed that it was faster. But when I benched the rebalancing as a whole, it was slower with the parallel container creation. So in this way, benching small units isn't quite as useful as testing small units is. That said, if you know that your code doesn't depend on some global resource like a thread-pool, then benching small units is great.

Level of Indirection

Sometimes slow things can be a tool to make things fast. Normally people thinking adding a level of indirection is an automatic performance hit, but a level of indirection can be seen as a tool that can speed up your program. If you have a data structure composed of (X,Y), and X is accessed frequently but not Y, then if you add a level of indirection such that you have (X,&mut Y), then your data structure is composed of smaller elements making more of it fit in memory at once. This of course only makes sense if Y is big enough.

Dynamic Allocation

Similarly you can use dynamic allocation as a tool to speed up your program. It has a cost, but the idea is that with that allocated memory you can get more performance gains. The problem is that everybody has to buy into the system for it to work. Anybody who allocated a bunch of memory and doesn't return it because they want to avoid allocating it again is hogging that space for longer than it needs it.

Often times, its not the dynamic allocation that is slow, but some other residual of doing it in the first place. For example, dynamically allocating a bunch of pointers to an array, and then sorting that list of pointers. The allocation is fast, its just that there is no cache coherency. Two pointers in your list of pointers could very easily point to memory locations that are very far apart.

Writing apis that don't do dynamic allocation is tough and can be cumbersome, since you probably have to have the user give you a slice of a certain size, but typically you need to first get the problem size from the user to figure out the amount of memory you want to request. On one hand the level of explicitness is great and users don't have to put any faith in allocation system. But on the other hand it adds a lot of logic to your api that makes it harder to see what your library actually does.


Evenly dividing up work into chunks for up to N cores is preferable. You don't want to make assumptions about how many cores the user has. Why set up your system to only take up advantage of 2 cores if 16 are available. So here, using a thread pool library like rayon is useful.

In a big complicated system, it can be tempting to keep sub-systems sequential and then just allow multiple sub-systems to happen in parallel if they are computation heavy. But this is not fully taking advantage of multithreading. You want each subsystem to itself be parallelizable. You want to parallelize in a platform independent way exploiting as many cores as are available.